Top 10 List of Week 06

1. Operating System - Processes

This article tells us about Processes in Operating Systems. The article includes the components of a process with its description. The article also explains the correlation between a program and a process.

2. Operations on Processes

This article shows us the operations on processes. There are five operations on processes, each of them are explained in the article and is fairly easy to understand.

3. Concurrency in Operating System

This article tells us about Concurrency in Operating Systems. The article explained about the principles of concurrency, the problems it has, the advantages and drawbacks, and its issues.

4. Thread in Operating System

This article shows us about Threads in Operating Systems. The article explained why multithreading is used, the difference between process and thread, the advantage of thread over process, and types of thread available.

5. Multithreading in Operating System

This article tells us about Multithreading in Operating Systems. The article explained how multithreading differs from singlethreading. The article also tells us about the apllications of multithreading.

6. Difference between Multiprogramming, multitasking, multithreading and multiprocessing

This article shows us about the difference between multiprogramming, multitasking, multithreading, and multiprocessing. Each topic are explained in detail with an image for us to better understand it.

7. Difference between Concurrency and Parallelism

This article tells us about the difference between Concurrency and Parallelism. The article is equipped with images and a table to show us how Concurrency and Parallelism differs.

8. fork() in C

This article shows us about a function in C programming language called fork(). This function is used to create new process which runs concurrently with the process that made the fork() call. The article explained how to use it with a number of examples.

9. exec family of functions in C

This article tells us about the exec functions in C programming language. The article includes the various types of exec functions and how it is used, each with its own code, inputs, and outputs.

10. Difference between fork() and exec()

This article shows us the difference between fork() and exec() functions. The article explained the difference very well a C program to illustrate the difference.